Monday, December 23, 2013



Normal position of the Line:

This is a vertical line in the hand, long or short.   If it is long, it starts from the upper part of the Mount of Moon and runs towards the Mount of Sun and generally terminates on the same Mount.  If it is short, it starts high on the hand and ends on the Mount of Sun.
General functions of the Line:
1. It is the Line of capability, expressive of he possible accomplishments in which the subject would excel.

2. It shows sufficient talent and intelligence which may lead to success and happiness if properly used.

Nature of the Line of Sun Characteristic features of the subjects
Absence of the Line The subject may work hard, but finds recognition of the world difficult to gain.

Straight and strong Fame in artLong and uncrossed Riches

. Well formed in both the hands   Successful career.

Very broad and shallow Showy.

 Very deep Exaggeration of one's art.
Starting from the wrist running through the hand   Possession of great talent
Starting low in the hand and runs only for a short distance possession of talents but not productive.

 If the Line rises higher in the hand and covers the space between the Head and Heart Lines (i.e. the Quadrangle) special talents of the subject operative.
Rising from the Line of Fate Success through personal efforts and merits.
Rising from the Mount of Moon Success or failure through the influence of external factors
 Rising from the Plain of Mars A stubborn nature coupled with sufficient self-confidence and right resolution to achieve success - hands of a self-made person.
  Rising from the Line of Head Success achieved late in life.

. Rising from the Line of Heart A favourable sign revealing good tastes and adequate talents useful in old age.
  Rising from the Line of life  Great interest in fine arts and occult study.
  A clear, deep and well-cut Line Brilliant success assured -clear cut aim in life.
. Poorly formed Line   Superficial Love of arts.
. If the Line is present, then disappears and afterwards begins again Talents of the subject latent during the period of absence of the Line.
  A chained Line Inherent talents not properly channelised.
A wavy line Vacillating career - erratic and unreliable.
 Several vertical Lines on the Mount of Sun   Diversity of interest - difficult to attain success.
314. If the Line is twisted Permanent failure accompanied by wickedness and misery.
 If on the Mount of Sun two parallel lines are seen one on each side of the Line of Sun Added strength to the already existing strong Line - undreamt of fame and glory.
The Line is strong with the Line of Head sloping towards the Mount of Moon, and the Mount of Moon bulging Sure sign of success through purely mental or literary pursuits.
The Line is strong, the Line of Head poor, the finger of Apollo is nearly of the same length as the finger of Saturn Speculative and gambling nature risking anything.
 If the Line is deep and clear, the Line of Head straight and the Mount of Jupiter or Venus ruling Love of power and authority.
 A clear Line accompanied by a strong Mount of Mercury, Apollo or Jupiter  High talents for business or politics.
 If any auxiliary line starts from the Mount of Saturn and runs towards the Line cutting through it Success interfered and impeded for a long time, because of poverty.
If the Line is composed of many small lines connected together poor talents - no original ideas - subordinate to others.
If the Line is zigzagged and the Line of Heart is shallow or absent A high degree of mischievous intelligence and wickedness - sign of infidelity and misconduct.
When a subsidiary line from Moon joins or runs parallel to the Line Legacy, often from a woman.
When a line from upper Mars joins or runs parallel A substantial gift from a person other than the relatives - mostly in the form of landed property.
325. If the Line is long and uncrossed with twisted fingers Talent for evil purposes.
326. Branches or fine lines rising from the Line Increases the good effect of the Line.
327. If a branch from the Line rises to the Mount of Mercury.
Distinguished success in the direction of business, scientific pursuits and in the power of expression;
328. A branch from the Line merging into the Head Line Success through mental calibre
329. If the line is deeply marked on the Mount of Sun with pronounced Mount of Jupiter and Mercury  Aptitude for fine literary work.
330. Cut by a Line of Union Loss of position due to an unsuitable marriage or a disgraceful entanglement.
331. An island on the Line Serious loss of money or reputation.
332. Bars cutting the Line Constant impediments to success.
333. Breaks in the Line Versatility that brings neither money nor fame to the subject
334. An island on the Line in the hands of bad Jupiterians or Apollonians  Sign of losing money through bad conduct - a scandal in private life.
335. Dots on the Line Menace to the reputation of the subject.
336. If the Line ends in a dot Indication of a brilliant success.
  If the Line begins with a star and ends with a star   Brilliant success throughout life.
338. A cross at the end of the Line Protection from evils of  all sorts.
339. An island at the end of the Line Later portion of life dull and insipid.
340. A fork at the end of the Line Subject's talents in more than one direction.
341. A well marked trident on the end of the Line  Celebrity - wealth from mental efforts.
342. If the Line ends in a tassel Talents fritter away in so many directions and accomplishments nil.
  A star at the termination of the Line Success due to the assistance and good-will of others
. If a star be seen on the Mount of Apollo Certain to achieve great renown

Want to learn about three major lines click here

Want to learn about three minor lines click here

 Want to about markings and their meaning on palm click here



Palmistry markings are positive or negative interruptions and blockages in the normal flow of the palm lines, mounts and fingers. they can indicate warnings of difficulties, separations, traumatic events or health problems. Some markings may indicate a period of recovery, problem resolution, or an emotional healing period. However, their meanings are dependent upon where they are located on the palm, as each area on the palm represents a different part of your life. They can also enhance or diminish the energies from those areas. listed below are the important markings that can appear on the palm of the hand, along with their general meanings. Here you will find breaks chains, crosses. dots, grilles, islands, squares, stars, tassels, transverse lines, triangles, tridents, upward and downward lines and vertical lines.

Breaks in the major or minor lines can represent both positives and negatives, depending on which way they lie from the various lines. Breaks going toward the thumb can indicate a new direction in a career. Breaks going in the upward direction toward the edges of the hand suggest an unexpected journey. If they are jointing to the base of the palm this can mean an unexpected turning your daily routine. These breaks can indicate that there is an interruption in on e~S normal flow of energy or signify a redirection in one~S lif e path.

 Chains denote the many different obstacles one may face in life. They can signify a difficult or not so privileged upbringing. Also,they may relate to experiences in a person's love life. Chains are also rep reSentative of times of indeciSlveneSS. They can alsoindicate problems in the area of health. The length of the chain correlates to the duration of time that all of these issues may last.

 Crosses are an indication of long-lastlng problems. They also represent ch anges in one~s Ilf e. Dep ending on where they app ear on the palm , they can be an indication of poSitlve or negative changes. They might even be sign that adversaries may want to cause harm to the individual. They may also represent outside influences that may be causing one stressors. They can be indicators ofhow one is handling their spiritual side of life and mental state of being.
Dots are not always well pronounced on the palm - they can be very tiny. Dots can represent concerns about ill health,relationships or another type of  destructive experience.  they can also represent significant and monumental events that have created crisis in a person~s life. They might also be warning signs of danger in an individual~s life~s path. Dots have been known todisappear when unfortunate circumstances and issues are solved.

Grilles appear most often on the mounts. they signify negative indications and represent problems and adjustments. A grille onany part of  the palm disperses energy. A grille may repreSent bewilderment and insecurity at times in ones life . Grilles signifyinterruptions in a person~s advancement. They can also signify  beginnings or hindrances, with respect  to life's ventures. One may also be continually exhausted by various anxieties and annoyances.

Islands indicate interruptions in life that are not favorable. Usually, they indicate stressful p eriods, either brought on by a career or sorneone causing one mental stress. they can also indicate fearfulness and weakness in health, in particular, inherited heart disease or a disturbance of one's energy. It is important to look closely at the island to be sure that it  does end and the lines continue.

Squares are usually a positive sign on the palm and indicate protection, especially when they appear around line breaks. they cansymbolize good luck from outside forces, for example, ones guardian angel. At times, a square can represent a time of beingboxed in or imprisonment if it rests on a line that has no break in it.

Stars on the palm usually indicate success and good fortune in the area they appear. However, a star appearing on the life line can represent turmoil. If a star is found at the end of a line, it can indicate fame, notoriety and great accomplishments. It can also indicate success in one's relationships. When found in some areas, the star can signify misfortune. It can also signify emotional problems and lack of confidence in one's career.


Tassels, also known as frayed lines, when found on the palm indicate confusion or chaos about a particular situation or problem. They can also indicate a physical, emotional or spiritual decline. It is often found at the end of the lif e line as an individual ages.

Transverse markings are negative symbols. They take away the strength and deplete the positive energy of theline or mount the~ are found on. They create obstacles wherever they appear. It may also indicate that an individual may be using their skills for ill intentions.
Triangles are very lucky markings and indicate success. They signify that the individual has an ability to analyze situations effectively and has the brainpower to accomplish many things. When they appear on specific lines, they strengthen the qualities of that line. They can also be symbolic of someone who is spiritual or psychic.

 A trident on the palm is a very lucky marking. It always increases the qualities of the lines or mounts it appears on. It can even have a positive effect on the neighboring mounts. It is believed to bring good fortune in threes and the perSon will be happy, healthy and wealthy in life.
The upward or branched lines can indicate that an individual has overcome some of life~s roadblocks through his or her own determination. ~ey indicate someone who will be successful and achieve their goals. ~ey can also indicate hopefulness and a good outlook on life. There is an idealistic and positive attitude associated with these lines.
The downward or branched lines can represent times in which a situation has gotten out of control for the person.They can indicate pessimism, unhappiness, negative energy and losses. They can also signify someone who does not think in a positive way. Depending from which line the downward lines appear it lessens the strength of that line and drains its energy.
  Vertical lines are usually good markings, representing positive energy. Do not confuse these lines with sister lines. Some people may have several vertical lines in different sections of the palm. They are an indicator of someone who could be in the health care profession. If they are found on the mounts or other lines, they lessen or neutralize any negative qualities that might be lingering. If they cut through a horizontal line, it is an indication that an individual has conquered trials and tribulations.

Want to learn about three major lines click here

Want to learn about three minor lines click here

Want to learn about mounts in palmistry click here

 To learn more about Palmistry and meaning of the markings, palmistryhelp